Is there a way/plugin that makes notepad++ run code on a file when we open it?
@Claudia-Frank said:
Concerning the print statement - a standard python script installation has has the following
entry in the standard startup.pysys.stdout = editor
This means, that a print … will not be send to the console but to the currently active document.
In order to change this behavior you need to modify it like thissys.stdout = console
and restart npp. Now a print statement would be send to console.
I don’t know python (i only learnt the first lessons of it on codecademy), so I didn’t know if print was supposed to write on the console or in the file. First I thought it was on the console so I was always opening it to see if there was something. But when I tested the script on the same folder as the Samples and the default I found it was printing in the file. Not a problem. I have always checked in both places for the print output.
In addition, there should be a file %APPDATA%\Notepad++\plugins\config\PythonScriptStartup.cnf.
Can you post its content?
Looks ok - do you see two if you
goto Plugins->Python Script->Scripts ?One should have the addition (User).
If you press the CTRL key while clicking onto the user it should open as a document.
If this is the case, add the following line under the bufferactivated callback.
Should look like
def callback_FOLD_BUFFERACTIVATED(args): console.write('callback_FOLD_BUFFERACTIVATED\n') global should_be_folded _state = editor.getProperty('AUTO_FOLDED') if _state == '': filename, extension = os.path.splitext(notepad.getBufferFilename(args['bufferID'])) if extension in FILE_EXTENSION_LIST: editor.setProperty('AUTO_FOLDED', '1') should_be_folded = True else: editor.setProperty('AUTO_FOLDED', '-1') should_be_folded = False else: should_be_folded = False
Restart npp.
Now, every time you switch a tab you should see the line
written to the console - to prove if the script runs at all.
Claudia -
@Claudia-Frank said:
Looks ok - do you see two if you
goto Plugins->Python Script->Scripts ?There’s only one at Plugins->Python Script->Scripts, the default . I can only add the new if I create a new folder like Samples or I put it inside the Samples folder:
I also have one new at %APPDATA%\Notepad++\plugins\config\PythonScript\scripts\ and more at MyDocuments…
Should it appear there as a second because of this?Restart npp.
Now, every time you switch a tab you should see the line
written to the console - to prove if the script runs at all.The console outputs nothing when I switch tab, neither when I click the script (the blue above in the image).
Should it appear there as a second because of this?
Yes, because your installation shows
Local Conf mode : OFF
this means, that notepad++ configuration files and plugin directories are located under
therefore, if you use Plugins->Python Script->New Script the script gets created in
As there is no in this directory per default you can create it and it should appear
in the same level as the standard but with the addition of (User) (done by Python Script plugin).Please enter the following commands in the python console and post the ouput
import sys print '\n'.join(sys.path)
Claudia -
@Claudia-Frank said:
this means, that notepad++ configuration files and plugin directories are located under
therefore, if you use Plugins->Python Script->New Script the script gets created in
As there is no in this directory per default you can create it and it should appear
in the same level as the standard but with the addition of (User) (done by Python Script plugin).New Script takes me to the last place I left the dialog on:
And I don’t have a (User) on the Scripts menu, while there’s one at %APPDATA%\Notepad++\plugins\config\PythonScript\scripts:
Please enter the following commands in the python console and post the ouput
import sys print '\n'.join(sys.path)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\PythonScript\lib
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\PythonScript\scripts
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\PythonScript\lib\lib-tk
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\DLLs
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\lib
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\lib\plat-win
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\lib\lib-tk
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++ -
ok, so the reason why it doesn’t work is that python script plugin
doesn’t find the but why…Another thing which is strange, whenever I use New Script
it redirects to the user scripts directory, regardless if I created
script in another subdirectory, totally different directory or not.
Maybe this is a coincident because it can’t find the user script directory.In addition,
how could this be, mine is pointing to
C:\users\linus\Application Data\Notepad++\plugins\Config\PythonScript\scripts
Has this changed with windows 10??
May I ask how you installed python script?
Using plugin manager or the msi package I pointed to?
Which python script version did you install?
Did you somehow redirect your %APPDATA% environment variable?When you press CTRL+R, the windows run command should open, and type
%APPDATA% and press enter, which directory gets opened and does it contain
a subdirectory notepad++??Cheers
Claudia -
@Claudia-Frank said:
In addition,
how could this be, mine is pointing to
C:\users\linus\Application Data\Notepad++\plugins\Config\PythonScript\scripts
Has this changed with windows 10??
Isn’t Application Data the same as AppData?
And %APPDATA% always redirected me to \AppData\Roaming.
What’s your windows version?May I ask how you installed python script?
Using plugin manager or the msi package I pointed to?I used Plugin Manager both times, before and after I replaced the default , when I had to reinstall it.
I will try reinstalling it using that package. Plugin manager usually works right and is very simple for me.Which python script version did you install?
It says 1.0.8.
When you press CTRL+R, the windows run command should open, and type
%APPDATA% and press enter, which directory gets opened and does it contain
a subdirectory notepad++??CTRL+R reloads the page…
I can use WINDOWSKEY+R instead, which opens the Run window, or I can use the search menu on Windows 10. Typing %APPDATA% both opens …\AppData\Roaming\. -
What’s your windows version?
Since a couple of month I use linux exclusively.
Npp is started via windows emulation software WINE.
But in the past I was using Windows XP and Windows 7 and I thought
%APPDATA% redirected to “Application Data” like within wine,
maybe I have false memory.Yes, 1.0.8 is the version I use as well.
As mentioned earlier, don’t replace the default as it contains
needed code for plugin script itself.If you can’t get a user to work, append the posted script
to the end of the default - then it has to work - I hope.Cheers
Claudia -
I tried to reinstall Python Script using the package you linked above, and New Script still opens the same folder and the script still doesn’t work at startup.
One thing to note is that when I go to Python Script configuration it shows as a User script:
Adding it to Menu items makes it show at Plugins>Python Script> . -
I appended the script (below) to the end of the default startup.pyimport os # ---------------------------- configuration area ----------------------------- FILE_EXTENSION_LIST = ['.html','.js'] COLLPASE_LINE_IDENTIFIER = 'NPP_COLLAPSE_IT' COLLPASE_FROM_TO_IDENTIFIER = 'NPP_COLLAPSE\((\d+,\d+)\)' # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def scan(number_of_lines): def find_line_identifiers(): # NPP_COLLAPSE_IT matches = [] editor.research('\\b{0}\\b'.format(COLLPASE_LINE_IDENTIFIER), lambda m: matches.append(m.span()), 0) return matches def find_from_to_line_identifiers(): # NPP_COLLAPSE(19,41) matches = [] editor.research(COLLPASE_FROM_TO_IDENTIFIER, lambda m: matches.append(m.span(1)), 0) return matches for match in find_line_identifiers(): _line = editor.lineFromPosition(match[0]) if editor.getFoldLevel(_line) & FOLDLEVEL.HEADERFLAG: editor.foldLine(_line,0) for match in find_from_to_line_identifiers(): start_line, end_line = map(lambda x: int(x)-1, editor.getTextRange(*match).split(',')) while True: if start_line <= end_line: if editor.getFoldLevel(start_line) & FOLDLEVEL.HEADERFLAG: editor.foldLine(start_line,0) start_line = editor.getLastChild(start_line,-1) + 1 else: start_line += 1 else: break should_be_folded = False def callback_FOLD_BUFFERACTIVATED(args): console.write('callback_FOLD_BUFFERACTIVATED\n') global should_be_folded _state = editor.getProperty('AUTO_FOLDED') if _state == '': filename, extension = os.path.splitext(notepad.getBufferFilename(args['bufferID'])) if extension in FILE_EXTENSION_LIST: editor.setProperty('AUTO_FOLDED', '1') should_be_folded = True else: editor.setProperty('AUTO_FOLDED', '-1') should_be_folded = False else: should_be_folded = False def callback_FOLD_UPDATEUI(args): global should_be_folded if should_be_folded: scan(editor.getLineCount()) should_be_folded = False notepad.callback(callback_FOLD_BUFFERACTIVATED, [NOTIFICATION.BUFFERACTIVATED]) editor.callback(callback_FOLD_UPDATEUI, [SCINTILLANOTIFICATION.UPDATEUI]) console.write('hello'))
Note the last line which I added. When I open my html file the console output is:
helloPython 2.7.6-notepad++ r2 (default, Apr 21 2014, 19:26:54) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)]
Initialisation took 204ms
Ready.and the lines don’t collapse. When I open another html file, it ouputs callback_FOLD_BUFFERACTIVATED and its lines are collapsed. Switching back to the first file, the same happens (working!!!). But it still doesn’t work right at startup.
ok, logic error, change the line
should_be_folded = False
should_be_folded = True
It is the line which is directly before
def callback_FOLD_BUFFERACTIVATED(args):
But only this line.
But I’m still confused that your user doesn’t work but at least you
have it working now.Cheers
Claudia -
Thank you a lot for your help.
Could it also be possible to put inside the brackets NPP_COLLAPSE(19,41) how many numbers I ask it for? eg: NPP_COLLAPSE(19,22,28,35,43,54,60,67,89,139,220,…). It actually only works for 2 line numbers. It’s ok if you don’t want to do it, I can keep using NPP_COLLAPSE_IT everywhere. Thank you! -
Yes, slightly different regex and for loop can do this but we need to define the cases.
Is a list ALWAYS a pair of fold from line to line triggers?
Or is a list with more than two entries ALWAYS fold this line for each item
and a list with 2 entries a from … to …
Or …Btw, may last post about logic error was not a logic issue.
Looks like the initial start of npp doesn’t trigger a bufferactivated callback
or python script hasn’t been started at that time to catch this notification.
I already changed that and will be included in next version.Cheers
Claudia -
Oh I though NPP_COLLAPSE(19,41) was going only to collapse lines 19 and 41, but instead it collapse lines 19 to 41… Thank you anyway. This script is very helpful. -
just for clarification, you are happy? No further modification needed?
Claudia -
@Claudia-Frank said:
just for clarification, you are happy? No further modification needed?
Yeah, it looks good enough. Ty.