Notepad++ v8.1.6 release
The goal of Release 8.1.6 is fix 2 long time critical issues (several tries for fixing them but failed though): NUL file-corruption & losing session problem while power cuts or Windows auto-restart PC for updating. In order to remedy these 2 problems, the file saving API is changed from POSIX IO functions to Win32 native IO API.
A good news for dark themes users who edit Markdown files regularly: Markdown syntax highlighting will fit any dark/light theme. Make sure you’re using the new Markdown UDL files come with the new release.
There are more bug-fixes in this release. Get more info about this release or download v8.1.6 v8.1.9.2 here:
If you find any regression or critical bug, or 1 of 2 above issues still happens to you, please report here:
Auto-updater will be triggered in 1 week if there’s no critical issue found.